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GIOVIS logo 2021.png

I`m honored to participate in the Blank Wall Gallery group exhibition entitled "Conceptual" with my photography : Gravity.

55 Fokionos Negri Street / 11361 – Athens – Greece

Exhibition Duration: 12 January – 24 January 2024

This image is part of my photographic project Corporeal Landscapes.

A project that places the soma at the centre of the photographic act. I`m trying to focus

on the lived-experienced dimension of the felt-body. I use mostly parts of my own body, which represents my tactile, material presence in life, paired with symbolic objects. I love the term “somaesthetics”. The photographic procedure becomes a slow and profound process of personal introspection and constant seeking of my inner truth of being present here and now through an artistic and somatic approach.

Blank Wall Gallery`s statement for the exhibition:

"Conceptual photography can more often than not surprise the viewers with the photographer’s creativity and imagination. It is always interesting to see what artists can produce when they leave their imagination free. Colours can be extremely vivid and forms can be altered in order to present something innovative and original. When it comes to imagination, there are no limits to what it can create. The final result is up to the artists will and views. The ordinary world can be distorted in order to present us with a totally different reality from the one we know and recognise. Everything is acceptable in this new world the photographers have created using their cameras as a tool".

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Writer's picture: Dimitrios Giovis Dimitrios Giovis

My photo series "Toy Stories" has been awarded an Honorable Mention in the ND Awards 2023 international photography contest in the "Special: Open Theme" category(Professional).

Honorable Mention in the ND awards 2023

Sometimes, inspiration is just like a little kid playing with your hidden thoughts, strengths and weaknesses. Innocent games and happy toys that hold a secret thorn. In this series, I`m interested in staging suggestive still-life compositions like theatre scenes and intimate landscapes that speak about dark and unpleasant stories. Stories from a problematic childhood covering painful memories and unexpressed suffering.

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