TIFA Bronze Award 2021
My photo "Faith" has been awarded a Winning Placement / Bronze in the 2021 Tokyo International Foto Awards. This photo is also a part of the TIFA 2021 Official Selection.
Winner - Faith - Single Winner (tokyofotoawards.jp)
"What does really mean to stay connected with your faith? Is it a profound need, a personal quest for spirituality, the fear of the unknown, and death? Is it a tradition, following the steps of your family and your ancestors? Is it just a plexus of laws, rituals, and interdictions or something deeper? This image shows a man holding in his arms an old icon, a relic of his family, passing from generation to generation. What`s the emotional weight of such an object?
Inspired by the items immigrants and refugees carry with them during their exile"

It was such a great honor
to participate in the "Unique and/or singular" exhibition of the Seeeds Gallery
in Paris with my photo
"The plum keeper"
18-21 November 2021 32 street Pastourelle,
Paris 75003